How to Play
The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards, the last person with cards is “It” and remains “It” until they play another game where they can pass the title onto another unfortunate player.
The dealer is the last person to have been “It” even if from a previous game. If nobody admits to being “It” everyone plays Rock, Paper, Scissors to find a dealer.
In a clockwise direction deal three cards face down in front of each player. Players can’t look at these cards. Now deal three cards face up on top of those face down cards. These table cards will remain on the table throughout the game. Now deal three cards per player for their hand and place the remaining stock of cards on the table face down to create the draw pile.
Players can now exchange cards between their own faceup table cards and their hand. The idea is to create a powerful final three cards because everyone can see them on the table and will know how to make you struggle. Wildcards make great table cards.
To start the game the dealer calls “ones”. The first player to place a one on the table from their hand starts play. If no player has a card of that value the dealer calls the next number in sequence until play starts in a clockwise direction.
Players take it in turns to chose a card from their hand to match or beat the value of the top card on the play pile.
Each player must draw card(s) from the draw pile to replenish their hand to make sure they always have at least three cards in their hand. If the draw pile is empty or the player has three or more cards in their hand they do not draw cards.
If a player cannot go when it is their turn they must pick up the entire play pile and the next player can place any card to start a new play pile. If you are forced to pick up the play pile you don’t get to take your turn.
Players can place multiples of the same card, except number 6, on the play pile. If four matching cards are placed on the play pile in a row the play pile is burned (set off to the side out of play) and the last player to place a card to cause the burn can play any card from their hand to start a new play pile. The number 6 cannot be placed on another number 6 because only cards less than 6 can be placed on it.
When a player has managed to get rid of all of their cards in their hand they must play from their face up table cards. Once both their hand and face up table cards are exhausted they must play blind from their face down table cards.
If while playing their table cards they are forced to pick up the play pile they cant play the table cards again until after they clear the cards in their hand.
Play continues until only one player is left holding cards or having cards on the table and they are crowned “It”.
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